Drug Discovery & Chemical Biology

Platform services

Drug discovery and chemical biology
- Project and assay guidance and development support

- Chemical screening
- Drug sensitivity and resistance screening (DSRT) and drug repurposing
- Chemoinformatics, molecular modeling and virtual screening
- Follow-up screening and testing
- Access to a large national chemical collectionAccess to a large national chemical collection
- Translation

- Training


The drug discovery and chemical biology (DDCB) platform provides coordinated services in assay development and chemical screening - from low- to ultra-high throughput - with a broad range of readouts and assay types including the DDCB-developed drug sensitivity and resistance testing, antibacterial screening, cell-free and cell-based protein-protein interaction assays, virtual screening, chemoinformatics, follow-up (specialized) assays. DDCB offers also open access to a large national chemical collection, drug testing and repurposing of drugs, translational support and user base education. Several of the services represent unique opportunities for the biomedical community that are not found elsewhere and are very strong in the European scale.

Drug discovery and chemical biology

Drug discovery and chemical biology platform website: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/infrastructures/drug-discovery-and-chemical-biology-consortium

Project and assay guidance and development support

Helsinki Institute of Life Science - HiLIFE
Faculty of Pharmacy
FIMM High Throughput Biomedicine Unit

Biocenter Kuopio
Drug Design and Synthesis Laboratory

BioCity Turku
Turku Screening Unit

Chemical screening

Helsinki Institute of Life Science - HiLIFE
Faculty of Pharmacy
FIMM High Throughput Biomedicine Unit

BioCity Turku
Turku Screening Unit

Drug sensitivity and resistance screening (DSRT) and drug repurposing

Helsinki Institute of Life Science - HiLIFE
FIMM High Throughput Biomedicine Unit

Chemoinformatics, molecular modeling and virtual screening

Helsinki Institute of Life Science - HiLIFE
Faculty of Pharmacy

Biocenter Kuopio
Drug Design and Synthesis Laboratory

BioCity Turku
Turku Screening Unit

Follow-up screening and testing

Helsinki Institute of Life Science - HiLIFE
Faculty of Pharmacy
FIMM High Throughput Biomedicine Unit

Biocenter Kuopio
Drug Design and Synthesis Laboratory

Access to a large national chemical collection

For more information please, visit DDCB website


To facilitate translation of user discoveries into commercial and translational space, a translational technologies advisory board has been linked to the DDCB network.

DDCB further links to external medicinal and organic chemistry groups, for example, through European infrastructure consortia EU OPENSCREEN and EATRIS.


Helsinki Institute of Life Science - HiLIFE
Faculty of Pharmacy
FIMM High Throughput Biomedicine Unit

BioCity Turku
Turku Screening Unit

Contact persons

Platform Chair
Päivi Tammela, HiLIFE - FIMM & Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki

Platform partners
Arto Urtti, HiLIFE - Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki;
Antti Poso, BCK, Drug Design and Synthesis Laboratory, University of Eastern Finland;
Michael Courtney, Turku Screening Unit & Turku Bioscience Centre, University of Turku
Affiliated expert members: Antti Pursula, CSC

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