Contact details
Platform Chair
Anni Nieminen
UEF: University of Eastern Finland; UH: University of Helsinki; UO: University of Oulu; UTU: University of Turku.
Platform service workflow

The Metabolomics Platform offers a range of complementary analytical services.
Recent user publications
Xing L, Gkini V, Nieminen AI, Zhou HC, Aquilino M, Naumann R, Reppe K, Tanaka K, Carmeliet P, Heikinheimo O, Pääbo S, Huttner WB, Namba T. Functional synergy of a human-specific and an ape-specific metabolic regulator in human neocortex development. Nat Commun. 2024 Apr 24;15(1):3468. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-47437-8.
Purhonen, J. P., Banerjee, R., Wanne, V., Sipari, N., Morgelin, M., Fellman, V. & Kallijärvi J. Mitochondrial complex III deficiency drives c-MYC overexpression and illicit cell cycle entry leading to senescence and segmental progeria. Nat Commun 14, 2356 (2023).

Training and Education
Every node in the platform is an active participant in mass spectrometry and metabolomics education on a global scale, across a range of life science disciplines. Additionally, postdocs, professors, technicians, and students pursuing BSc, MSc, and PhD degrees can take advantage of our four nodes' extensive practical training in mass spectrometry and metabolomics.