Letter of Intent call open 14.8.-7.9.2023

Letter of Intent – Biocenter Finland SAB 2024 Evaluation

Biocenter Finland (BF, https://www.biocenter.fi/) is a nation-wide Life Science research infrastructure jointly hosted by University of Eastern Finland (UEF), University of Helsinki (UH), University of Oulu (UO), Tampere University (TAU), University of Turku (UTU) and Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU). BF Platforms support frontier research by providing open-access technology services. Currently BF has 15 Technology Platforms and each Platform functions as a network of distributed Nodes in several host universities with clearly defined complementary tasks. BF’s investment resources are applied for from the Research Infrastructure Calls (FIRI Calls) of the Academy of Finland – Finnish Research Council, while the Platforms’ key personnel’s salary costs and the Coordination Office’s costs are covered by the host universities.

The Academy of Finland will organize the next FIRI Roadmap call 2025-2028 most likely in spring 2024. The Technology Platforms are selected to BF for four-year period based on Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) recommendation. The selected organization of BF Platforms will then be used in the next BF’s FIRI Roadmap application for Academy of Finland.

BF invites applications for Technology Platforms for 2025-2028. The call will be open to existing Platforms, new Platform openings and inclusion of new nodes to existing Platforms.

Important details about the BF SAB 2024 Evaluation:

Call for Letter of Intent (LoI)

Both existing platforms and new platform initiatives are requested to send the LoI application. For more details, please contact: biocenterfinland (at) helsinki.fi. Letter of Intent period is open 14.8. – 7.9.2023. The BF Board will evaluate the LoI’s and give feedback to applicants before the call of full applications.

Call for full applications

The Platforms are invited to provide full applications describing the composition of the Platform, the services provided and competence including e.g. user statistics (for existing Platforms coordination office will provide the relevant reported data). The application period will be open 16.10.-1.12.2023. BF office will organize an information event before the full call, where the call details will be discussed.  

SAB evaluation / interviews

The on-site interviews and evaluation of the Platforms by the SAB will be organized on 5.-7.2.2024 in Helsinki. More information about the schedule will be provided in the autumn. The evaluation results and report of SAB will be available on early-March 2024 after which BF Board will make decisions. 

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us: biocenterfinland (at) helsinki.fi.