Non-mammalian model organisms are essential as they combine many of the advantages of in vitro models such as the experimental manipulability and low cost with the full complexity of an animal (tissues and organs). In particular, the use of fish and fly models are rapidly increasing globally in fundamental and biomedical research because of their powerful genetic toolbox and animal in vivo imaging capabilities as well as their alignment with the 3R principles.

The non-mammalian model organism platform consists of six independent nodes in three different locations (Tampere, Turku and Helsinki). The mission of the platform is to provide information and expertise in scientific use and husbandry of non-mammalian model organisms as well as coordinate activities and linkages related to non-mammalian model organisms on a national and international level.

The nodes specialize in different type of model organisms (Drosophila and fish models), scientific expertise and services (for specific models and services see Services). The platform nodes provide general services such as controlled husbandry conditions, colony management and project support, as well as expertise in the model organism, and its regulatory requirements (OGTR & ethics). The nodes organize training and courses for researchers and students.

Contact details

Platform Chair

Jan Kaslin, Tampere University


Node/Host UniversityNode PI
Hi-Fly, UH
Ville Hietakangas, University of Helsinki
Zebrafish Unit, UH
Henri Koivula, University of Helsinki
Tampere Drosophila Facility, TAU
Susanna Valanne, Tampere University
Tampere Zebrafish Facility, TAU
Mataleena Parikka, Tampere University
UTU FishCore
Ilkka Paatero, University of Turku
ÅAU Fly Unit
New node from 2024, webpage under construction
Annika Meinander, Åbo Akademi University

UH: University of Helsinki; UO: University of Oulu; UTU: University of Turku; TAU: Tampere University; ÅAU: Åbo Akademi University.



All nodes provide general services such as: controlled husbandry conditions, colony management and expertise in respective models, project support and regulatory requirements (OGTR & ethics), and organizes training and courses

Below is a list of nodes and selected specific services. Please contact individual nodes for further inquiry on service.

Hi-Fly, UH

  • Expertise in metabolism, developmental biology and tissue stem cells
  • Collection of fly strains,
  • Import of fly strains
  • Large scale fly food production

Zebrafish Unit, UH

  • Expertise in behavior and disease models
  • Dedicated imaging platform (confocal & 2-Photon)
  • Behavioural phenotyping
  • Transgenesis & mutagenesis service

Tampere Drosophila Facility, TAU

  • Expertise in immunology and mitochondrial biology
  • Large collection of fly strains >500 (Transgenics, GAL4-drivers, RNAi lines)
  • Established infectious and aging models
  • Behavioral phenotyping

Tampere Zebrafish Facility, TAU

  • Expertise in immunology, infection and cancer models, neurobiology and tissue repair
  • BSL-2 infection laboratory for chronic infection models and drug screening
  • Quarantine for import of zebrafish
  • Transgenesis & mutagenesis service

UTU FishCore

  • Expertise in cancer models, cardiovascular biology and drug screening
  • Transgenesis & mutagenesis service
  • Imaging and behavioral phenotyping
  • Cross platform collaborations for cell imaging and high content screening

ÅAU Fly Unit

  • Expertise in models of cell stress and inflammation
  • Collection of fly strain
  • Design of transgenic and mutant fly models
  • Import of fly strains

Recent user publications

Zielke, Norman et al. Upregulation of ribosome biogenesis via canonical E-boxes is required for Myc-driven proliferation, Developmental Cell, Volume 57, Issue 8, 1024 - 1036.e5;

Salomaa SI, Miihkinen M, Kremneva E, Paatero I, Lilja J, Jacquemet G, Vuorio J, Antenucci L, Kogan K, Hassani Nia F, Hollos P, Isomursu A, Vattulainen I, Coffey ET, Kreienkamp HJ, Lappalainen P, Ivaska J. SHANK3 conformation regulates direct actin binding and crosstalk with Rap1 signaling. Curr Biol. 2021 Nov 22;31(22):4956-4970.e9. Epub 2021 Oct 4. PMID: 34610274.

Diego Baronio, Yu-Chia Chen, Pertti Panula; Abnormal brain development of monoamine oxidase mutant zebrafish and impaired social interaction of heterozygous fish. Dis Model Mech 1 March 2022; 15 (3): dmm049133.

Saralahti AK, Harjula SKE, Rantapero T, Uusi-Mäkelä MIE, Kaasinen M, et al. (2023) Characterization of the innate immune response to Streptococcus pneumoniae infection in zebrafish. PLOS Genetics 19(1): e1010586.

Laura Virtanen, Emilia Holm, Mona Halme, Gun West, Fanny Lindholm, Josef Gullmets, Juho Irjala, Tiina Heliö, Artur Padzik, Annika Meinander, John E. Eriksson, Pekka Taimen; Lamin A/C phosphorylation at serine 22 is a conserved heat shock response to regulate nuclear adaptation during stress. J Cell Sci 15 February 2023; 136 (4): jcs259788.
