Frontiers of Science - BioCity Turku Seminar series

Frontiers of Science

Spring seminars 2021

BioCity Turku will continue Frontiers of Science seminar series online as eTALKs. Registration is obligatory and links to register are in BioCity Turku website ( and advertised in our news feed. Registration closes and zoom link is sent to participants one day before the event.

Please note that any audio or video recording of the seminars is strictly forbidden.

If you wish to follow BioCity Turku news feed and receive up to date information about the Frontiers of Science seminars and other events, please contact Tämä sähköpostiosoite on suojattu spamboteilta. Tarvitset JavaScript-tuen nähdäksesi sen.


March 11th
online at 18:00
Dr. Vishva M. Dixit, Genentech Inc., US
Why so many ways to die?
host: Annika Meinander (Tämä sähköpostiosoite on suojattu spamboteilta. Tarvitset JavaScript-tuen nähdäksesi sen.)
Registration latest March 10th at 12:00


March 25th
online at 15:00
Prof. Thomas Look, Harvard Medical School and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, US
Allosteric activators of protein phosphatase 2A display broad antitumor activity
host: Jukka Westermarck (Tämä sähköpostiosoite on suojattu spamboteilta. Tarvitset JavaScript-tuen nähdäksesi sen.)
Registration latest March 24th at 12:00


April 8th
online at 12:00
Prof. Didier Picard, University of Geneva, Switzerland
The molecular chaperone Hsp90: probing its functions with drugs and gene deletions
host: Outi Salo-Ahen (Tämä sähköpostiosoite on suojattu spamboteilta. Tarvitset JavaScript-tuen nähdäksesi sen.)
Registration latest April 7th at 12:00


April 22nd
online at 12:00
Academician of Science Markku Kulmala, University of Helsinki, Finland
Climate, air quality and COVID
host: Eva-Mari Aro (Tämä sähköpostiosoite on suojattu spamboteilta. Tarvitset JavaScript-tuen nähdäksesi sen.)
Registration latest at April 21st at 12:00


April 29th
online at 18:00
Dr. Aviv Regev, Genentech Inc., US
Cell Atlases as roadmaps to treat disease
host: Riitta Lahesmaa (Tämä sähköpostiosoite on suojattu spamboteilta. Tarvitset JavaScript-tuen nähdäksesi sen.)
Registration latest at April 28th at 12:00


May 6th
online at 12:00
Prof. Xavier Trepat, Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, Spain
Mechanobiology of intestinal organoids
host: Diana Toivola (Tämä sähköpostiosoite on suojattu spamboteilta. Tarvitset JavaScript-tuen nähdäksesi sen.)
Registration latest at May 5th at 12:00

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