Marja Makarow Appointed as Director of Biocenter Finland

The rectors of Biocenter Finland partner Universities have nominated Professor Marja Makarow as new director of Biocenter Finland.

Marja Makarow ends her term as vice president of the Academy of Finland – the Finnish research Council in June. She is former vice rector for research, researcher training and innovation (2003-2007) and professor of applied biochemistry and molecular biology of  the University of Helsinki. In 2008-2011 she served as chief executive of the European Science Foundation in Strasbourg France. She chairs Technology Academy Finland and serves on the governing board of the European Institute for Innovation and Technology EIT.

Marja Makarow will start her appointment as Biocenter Finland Director in July 2016.

Further information:
Coordinator  antti.siltanen(at)
Secretary anu.taulio(at)

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