Symposium: Exploring cellular complexity by cryoEM

What: This one-day symposium organised by HiLIFE - Helsinki Institute of Life Science will showcase uses of cryo-EM (cryogenic electron microscopy) in studying biological mechanisms at different levels of complexity - ranging from macromolecules to cells. Distinguished international speakers will discuss how cryo-EM is now helping to understand illness and how it is starting to inform drug discovery. We welcome anyone who is interested in hearing about cutting-edge science and methods bridging cell biology, neuroscience, biochemistry, virology, and microbiology. Please save the date, more information will follow soon:

When: 28th February 2019, 09:00-17:00

Where: Biomedicum, University of Helsinki



Keynote speakers:

Richard Henderson, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2017 (MRC LMB, Cambridge)

Hong Zhou (UCLA, Los Angeles)

Invited speakers:

Radu Aricescu (MRC LMB, Cambridge)

Ariane Briegel (University of Leiden)

Liz Carpenter (Structural Genomics Consortium, Oxford)

Ruben Fernandez-Busnadiego (MPI Biochemistry, Martinsried)

Kay Grunewald (Center for Structural Systems Biology, Hamburg)

Wanda Kukulski (MRC LMB, Cambridge)

Tzviya Zeev Ben Mordehai (Utrecht University)

Peijun Zhang (eBIC and University of Oxford)


To whom: Students, post docs, staff. Anyone interested in hearing about cutting edge science and bio-imaging methods bridging cell biology, neuroscience, biochemistry, virology, and microbiology.

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